6th House in
Horoscope (Birth Chart)
The sixth house is linked with the 4 main aspects of one’s life- enemies, debts,
illness and government job or service. This house represents any illness,
disease or ailment that native may have. It also shows any sort of recovery that
the native maybe going through. If the 6th lord of the native is placed in the
Lagna, or the 1st house or if the Lagna planet is placed in the 6th house, the
native will have bad health. |
The sixth house also represents one’s diet and its effects on the native’s
health. While Mercury makes a person eat a lot of fatty foods, Saturn shows that
the native is not well- nourished. Both Mars and Jupiter represent good health
but also tend to make the native over- indulge in eating, hence causing bad
health too sometimes
This house also represents one’s subordinates and his superiors and their
behavior irrespective of who serves who. If the 6th house has beneficial
planets, then these subordinates will prove to be faithful and profitable for
the native. But if the house has malefic planets, then the subordinates maybe
treacherous and the cause of any loss for the native.
The sixth house of an individual’s chart provides an effect upon the relationships
of the resident with the people who are surrounding him. Mainly it highlights on
his relations and communications at his working place. We may get the information
about the loyal and disloyal persons to the native of sixth house. The sixth house
describes the quantity of support an individual might have from his surroundings.
From Sixth house one can predict enemies in every steps of life. Enemy is also important
to make one become competitive, learner, topper. At the same time it can make one’s
life full of sorrow. Strong 6th house make one break all the trap and win over enemies
to the path of success. If 6th house is weak, then it indicates loss of property,
mental pressure, other harm made by enemies.
Sixth house disclose the monetary support an individual would be obtaining. This
house may affect the tendency of the individual towards restricted and illegitimate
actions. At the end of the day he may suffer imprisonment.
Since 6th house is also the house of debts and loans, placement of beneficial
planets will lead the native to successfully raise the loans while placement of
malefic planets may lead to trouble and loss in loans. Other factors governed by
the 6th house are the pets and animals, the cattle, the hygiene and the
The person who possesses the sixth house in his birth chart may be bitten by snake.
It may turn into a life risk matter. This house also denotes the accident and operation
an individual may face.
An individual may face intestine problem or suffer from tuberculosis, kidney or
eye disease. Woman may face problem in the umbilical (Membranous duct connecting
the fetus with the placenta area.